The leading index contract trading platform BBX online airdrop. Register to get 100 BBX. limit to the top 10,000 registered users. Link:https://bbx.com/#/register?actionid=100001403097
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1 LBT ≈
$ 0.9
1 LBT ≈
1 LBT ≈
Last updated
05:36 PM
BPC is a Blockchain of Consumptions Bonus Points community project which was invested by ZhenFund, CrossCapital and other big VC in China just now. BPC project uses the blockchain technology to make the store business to send out, trade and manage the bonus points with Tokens. Limited time airdrop 1,000,000 free token, 188 free tokens once you entered the group, plus 188 free tokens if your invited friend entered the group as well.
My Candy Bag is a great tool which helps you to collect massive free tokens quickly. Lots of projects cooperates with May Candy Bag to distribute their free Tokens, and the number of projects is increasing dramatically.
1. Join Telegram Group

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